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About us


Our ambition is to unite businesses globally to set the global standards for workplace mental health


In recent years, the burgeoning mental health crisis has made it increasingly clear that we need systemic social change to better support our minds. While any facet of life can impact mental health, we spend a third of our waking hours at work — which means employers have a role to play in helping to address it. MindForward Alliance believes that workplaces have a responsibility to actively protect and nurture the health of their people. The business impact is also substantial: without mentally healthy workplaces, organizations risk reduced productivity, increased costs, and loss of competitive advantage. But to drive a mental health breakthrough at societal scale, it’s going to take all of us working together.

The MindForward Alliance is the leading global not-for-profit organization transforming workplace culture into one that supports the mental health of its employees. Using best practices from around the globe, we offer a range of tools and services that are proven to work in organizations like yours. From annual assessments that give managers a roadmap to building a healthier culture, to strategic roundtables that help solve workplace mental health issues from the top down, we provide step-by-step guidance that helps fuel changemakers to make a lasting impact.

At the MindForward Alliance, we empower business leaders to take the bold actions needed to transform mental health discussion into mental health action. Through ongoing research, we fuel data-driven solutions that address a wide variety of mental health concerns – and achieve measurable results. A healthier organization is also one that is freer to innovate and to grow, and to solve the global mental health crisis, we need visionaries like you to help push the entire workforce into a safer, healthier, and more profitable world.


We empower business leaders worldwide to pioneer mental health best practices that build and sustain a thriving corporate culture


Let’s make mental health the priority

Creating a mentally healthy workplace culture is an incredible challenge and for those who see the potential, a generational opportunity. Improved mental health leads to more innovation, talent retention, and business growth over the long term. While mental health has not typically been a business-critical issue, more businesses are recognizing its importance. It's an investment in our businesses future sustainability and success


Let’s build a healthier culture

Mental health is a complex and nuanced challenge for organizations – which is why businesses need a map to guide the way forward. Taking the best of global best practices and implementing them on a local level, The MindForward Alliance provides workspace assessments, implementation strategies, and a range of training and support material that can help identify exactly where organizations are – and what to do next.


Let’s lead the way and set a path forward

When it comes to understanding workplace mental health, we on a journey and there is so much more we can do. Through business-led workspace mental health guidance and research, The MindForward Alliance is helping anticipate the next breakthrough in building mentally healthy cultures. With collaborative networks that engage every level of the organization, The MindForward Alliance can establish a higher standard of workplace mental health to globally benefit employees, businesses and wider society.